§ 71.02  PROCEDURE.
   (A)   The Board, after consultation with the County Emergency Management Advisory Council, the County Sheriff, the County Emergency Management/ Homeland Security Director, and County Highway Superintendent, if available, or the respective representative designated by each as the person to consult in his or her absence for the purpose of recommending a declaration of local disaster emergency, may declare a local disaster emergency, which may also contain a “warning level” travel advisory by executive order when, in the Board’s judgment, by majority rule, such order would be appropriate under I.C. 10-14-3-29 and in the best interest of the public safety and welfare of the residents of the county.
   (B)   If only one member of the Board is available to sign the declaration of local disaster emergency, he or she can declare a local disaster emergency if he or she has obtained and documented the verbal or written concurrence of at least one other Board member.
(Ord. 09-19-11, passed 9-19-2011)