(A)   Any person, firm or corporation operating a wrecker or tow truck operating with the incorporated city limits or within a radius ten miles of the city measure from the City Hall, whose tow truck and business activity comply with the provisions of Article 6687-9a of the Vehicle Storage Facility Act, Tex. Trans. Code, §§ 502.281 and 643, and where applicable, Tex. Transp. Code, Chapter 396, shall be entitled to be listed on a wrecker rotation roster kept and maintained by the Chief of Police of the city or his or her designee.
   (B)   The Chief of Police shall be responsible for the keeping of the records of the wrecker rotation and shall be responsible for causing the rotation of wreckers for wrecker service inside the city limits, where rotation is applicable.
   (C)   For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definition shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
      ROTATION. Alternating the call for wrecker service when applicable under tire terms of this subchapter. ROTATION shall be, in all things, equitable.
(Ord. 102-91, passed 12-18-90) Penalty, see § 10.99