(A)   The City Council hereby adopts a traffic-control map for the city which is identified in part as follows. The map is an official map of the city, prepared by the City Engineer, S. A. Russell. The map is titled “Traffic-Control Map of the City of Sweeny, Texas,” and is adopted with this section. The map has indicated thereon in their approximate locations each and every traffic-control sign or device now in place in the city, the type of sign or device and, in general terms their purpose, such as: stop, yield, speed zone of a number of miles per hour, school zone and the like. The map has been signed by the Mayor of the city and is herewith filed with the City Secretary to be a part of the business records of the city.
   (B)   The traffic-control signs and devices so indicated on the traffic-control map have been installed as a result of traffic engineering studies and their installation as indicated on the traffic-control map is hereby ordained, ratified, affirmed, authorized and are found to be lawfully in place.
   (C)   (1)   The Chief of Police of the city is hereby directed to cause appropriate traffic-control signs or devices to be installed (or removed from) in, upon and along the public streets, roadways and other public rights-of-way of the city, when authorized by the City Council by motion duly passed and adopted by the City Council at an authorized meeting thereof at the City Hall.
      (2)   In connection herewith, the Chief of Police is hereby authorized and directed to cause the installation or removal to be entered upon the aforesaid traffic-control map, and indicate thereon the date the authority was so granted, the date installed or removed, the type and general purpose of the sign or traffic-control device and shall sign his or her name near the approximate location thereof, and when so installed, and so indicated upon the traffic-control map all persons, firms and corporations shall be required to obey traffic-control signs or devices as a part of the laws of the city.
   (D)   Unless otherwise indicated by appropriate signs or signal devices in place and indicated on the traffic-control map, the speed limit on streets, roadways and other public rights-of-way within the city shall be in accordance with the laws of the state.
(Ord. 209, passed 9-3-74)