(a)   Upon receipt of a completed application for an on-street mobility impaired residential accessible parking space, the Code Enforcement Officer shall review such application and conduct a site inspection of the residence of the applicant and make a determination as to whether a permit for an on-street mobility impaired residential accessible parking space should be issued. There shall be a presumption that parking for the mobility impaired be located off-street whenever feasible and appropriate. In determining whether the applicant has reasonable opportunity for off-street parking, the Code Enforcement Officer shall consider some combination of the following criteria, giving weight to unique conditions on the property at issue:
      (1)   Is the applicant's existing driveway fourteen feet in width, or wider? Fourteen feet is the recommended minimum driveway width for persons confined to a wheelchair.
      (2)   If the applicant's driveway is less than fourteen feet, can the applicant's driveway be widened to accommodate the need for additional parking space without significant cost or impact to use of the lot?
      (3)   Is the running-slope of the applicant's driveway in excess of one inch rise per twelve inches of length (a "1:12 ratio")? A running-slope in excess of the 1:12 ratio is not recommended for mobility impaired parking.
      (4)   Is the cross-slope of the applicant's driveway in excess of one inch rise per fifty feet of length (a "1:50 ratio")? A cross-slope of more than 1:50 is not recommended for mobility impaired parking.
      (5)   Is the driveway of adequate length to accommodate a parked vehicle (minimum 20'-0" from face of structure to back of side walk)?
      (6)   Is the slope of the land area in between the driveway and the residence in excess of the 1:12 ratio? A slope in excess of the 1:12 ratio is not recommended for wheelchair use.
      (7)   Will the requested on-street space be located in an area with a lesser running slope and cross slope than would be available off-street? On-street spaces should not be approved in areas where the street slopes are greater than the slopes on or surrounding the applicant's off-street parking options.
      (8)   Is the requested on-street space located in proximity to a curb ramp or driveway approach for access to the sidewalk or walkway? If not, the requested space location may need to be revised, or a curb ramp may need to be installed at the expense of the applicant to comply with ADA requirements.
      (9)   Is there a park strip or landscape area between the curb and sidewalk? For van accessible loading and unloading, a concrete landing area may need to be constructed at the applicant's expense adjacent to the proposed space between curb and sidewalk.
   (b)   If the Code Enforcement Officer determines that a reasonable off-street parking alternative is not available, the Code Enforcement Officer shall issue a permit for a parking space reasonably close and convenient to the applicant's residence, taking into account the configuration and use patterns of the adjoining streets and sidewalks, the circumstances of the applicant, and any other relevant factor. Upon approval by the Code Enforcement Officer, the Borough Manager shall issue a permit for an on-street mobility impaired residential accessible space and shall cause the approved parking space to be delineated in the street with paint in the location approved by the Code Enforcement Officer and a sign to be installed adjacent to such parking space indicating that parking is restricted to vehicles bearing a mobility impaired placard or license plate. To the extent that a concrete landing area or curb cut is required pursuant to paragraph (a)(7) or (8) above, a permit may be conditioned upon the applicant installing such landing area or curb cut at the applicant's expense and in compliance with all applicable building or accessibility codes.
   (c)   If the applicant's original application is denied, there must be substantial change in the facts and/or medical condition of the applicant before requesting a re-evaluation of the decision.
   (d)   A denied application may be appealed to the Borough's Uniform Construction Code (UCC) Board of Appeals (see Chapter 1431 of the Codified Ordinances of the Borough of Swarthmore).
(Ord. 1038. Passed 6-14-10.)