(a) Parking is required to accommodate the parking needs of the proposed use. The developer shall provide a detailed analysis and parking plan, prepared by a professional engineer licensed in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, which meets the recommendations of the Institute of Transportation Engineers or proposes an alternate plan that demonstrates to the satisfaction of Borough Council that adequate consideration has been given to minimizing the need for off-street parking, including pedestrian access. For parking within Institutional Zoning Districts, the parking study must demonstrate that parking is adequate for the entire parcel, either by compliance with an overall parking plan or by an incremental update to a previously approved plan.
(b) Parking must be located in the same zoning district in which the project is located and, except as noted below, in no case shall a parking lot be located across a public roadway or other right-of-way from the principal building or buildings it serves, unless allowed at the discretion of Borough Council.
(c) In commercial and industrial districts, provision of “common parking facilities” is encouraged in recognition of their increased flexibility and efficiency. Formal arrangements between the proposed users of the common parking facilities may be required by Borough Council. When common parking facilities are approved, access drives and sidewalks shall be so aligned as to maximize parking efficiency and minimize traffic congestion. Entrances and exits must have clear sight lines and good visibility so that drivers can see and cars can be seen while entering or exiting.
(d) All dead-end parking lots shall be designed with travel lanes extending beyond the end stalls to provide sufficient turnaround space.
(e) No less than a five-foot radius of curvature shall be permitted for all curblines in all parking areas.
(f) Parking areas and site accessibility for handicapped persons shall be provided in accordance with applicable federal and state standards, including in particular the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Pennsylvania Universal Accessibility Act, as each may be amended.
(Ord. 961, § 514. Passed 8-13-01; Ord. 1072. Passed 12-21-15.)