(a)   The Borough Planning Commission shall, at a meeting with the applicant, consider the suitability of the sketch plan for the development of the land and its relationship to the harmonious extension of streets and utilities, arrangement and density of housing, and compatibility of the plan with the Borough Comprehensive Plan. Based on this meeting, the Planning Commission shall submit its written comments to the applicant; provided however, that the failure of the Planning Commission to submit comments in writing shall not be deemed to be an approval of any application or to vest any rights in the applicant.
   (b)   The applicant may, but need not request further review of the sketch plan by Borough Council. If further review is requested, Borough Council may consider the sketch plan, may consider the written or other comments of the Planning Commission, may meet with the applicant, and may advise the applicant as to Borough Council's comments with respect to the sketch plan; provided however, that Borough Council is not required to review the sketch plan or to submit comments to the applicant if Borough Council does review the sketch plan.
   (c)   Nothing contained in this section or any failure of the Planning Commission or Borough Council, or both, to proceed or act in accordance with this section, shall be deemed to be a decision with respect to any subdivision or land development plan, or to vest any rights in the applicant.
(Ord. 961, § 404. Passed 8-13-01.)