The purpose of this chapter and the standards established herein is to govern the use, construction, and siting of wireless communications facilities so as to:
(a) Accommodate the need for wireless communications facilities while regulating their location and number in the Borough and to ensure compliance with all applicable governmental regulations.
(b) Protect the integrity of historically significant resources within the Borough.
(c) Minimize any adverse visual effects of wireless communications facilities antennas, and antenna support structures through proper design, siting, and screening.
(d) Ensure the structural integrity of the antenna support structure through compliance with applicable industry and/or governmental standards and regulations.
(e) Encourage the joint use of any antenna support structure to reduce the number of such structures needed in the future.
(f) Promote the health, safety and welfare of the residents of the Borough.
Criteria to be considered are whether the decision will promote the harmonious and orderly development of the zoning district involved; promote compatibility with the character and type of development existing in the area; benefit neighboring properties by preventing negative impact on the visual character of the community; preserve woodlands, trees, and mature vegetation at the site to the greatest extent possible; and promote and be in conformity with sound engineering and land development design and construction principles, practices, and techniques.
(Ord. 919. Passed 7-14-97; Ord. 998. Passed 12-12-05.)