(a)   Parking.
      (1)   Parking is required to accommodate the parking needs of the conditional uses identified in Section 1261.04(a). The developer shall provide a detailed analysis and parking plan prepared by a professional engineer licensed in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania that demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Borough Council that the proposed parking plan is sufficient for the intended uses. The analysis shall take into account that different uses may have peak parking demands at different times and that there may be opportunities for some conditional uses to share parking. Such parking plan shall provide for at least eight-tenths of a parking space for each guest room contained in any commercial development, plus a sufficient number of parking spaces to accommodate parking needs for any meeting rooms and restaurant or retail space contained within any commercial development, along with the preparer's analysis as to the sufficiency of the proposed parking plan.
      (2)   No parking is permitted east of Line 2 in Exhibit A in the Overlay District. Temporary parking and loading or unloading for purposes of inn registration or checkout, not to exceed fifteen minutes, is permitted.
      (3)   Any displaced public parking will be replaced on site or at any off site location approved by Borough Council.
      (4)   Parking provided to support the conditional uses identified in Section 1261.04(a) may be located in the Overlay District, in the IN District within 100 feet of the Overlay District and, to the extent permitted by Borough Council, elsewhere in the IN District or in available on-street parking.
   (b)   Vehicular Circulation. A vehicular circulation plan and traffic study prepared by a professional engineer licensed in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania shall be provided that demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Borough Council:
      (1)   Means for safe vehicular access and that also addresses adjacent residential streets with a scope approved by the Borough Engineer.
      (2)   How traffic will pass through the site.
      (3)   Where and how service vehicles will access buildings.
   (c)   Pedestrian Circulation. A pedestrian circulation plan prepared by a professional engineer licensed in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania shall be provided that demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Borough Council:
      (1)   In general, compliance with the objective of encouraging pedestrian access to the zone to be concentrated in the northeastern corner near the train station.
      (2)   Integration of new development with existing and proposed pedestrian circulation patterns of the town and the Swarthmore College campus.
      (3)   Safe pedestrian circulation throughout the zoning parcel, including separation of pedestrian and vehicular circulation to the greatest extent possible. The layout of the streets and intersections in the area extending from parking to the inn, restaurant, other retail space and train station and connections to the Swarthmore Town Center shall give priority to pedestrians.
(Ord. 990. Passed 6-13-05; Ord. 1049. Passed 5-14-12.)