(a)   The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources (DER) has recommended that the requirements of the Pennsylvania Solid Waste Management Act of 1980, as amended (35 P.S. 6018.101 et seq.), can best be accomplished on a County-wide basis.
   (b)   The Borough, by formal resolution dated April 9, 1984, authorized the County to prepare the Solid Waste Management Plan on the Borough's behalf.
   (c)   The County, through the staff of its Public Works Department, its Planning Commission, and Charles M. Harris and Associates, Inc., consulting engineers, prepared a Ten-Year Plan for Solid Waste Management.
   (d)   The appropriate officials of the Borough have reviewed the findings and recommendations of the Plan as it affects this Borough, have found the Plan acceptable and have recommended that the Plan be adopted.
   (e)   The Borough, accordingly, hereby accepts and adopts the Solid Waste Management Study prepared by the County as the Ten-Year Plan for Solid Waste Management required by such Act.
   (f)   The County is hereby authorized to submit the Plan to DER for the final approval on behalf of the Borough.
(Ord. 843a. Passed 9-14-87.)