(a) A charge is hereby authorized against the owner of the building or premises from which rubbish, garbage and other waste matter is removable by the Municipal collection system herein provided for, whether or not such owner or his tenant or occupier avails himself of the service. The Health and Sanitation Committee, with the approval of Council, shall estimate and compute the proper amount of such charge or charges for the various homes, apartments and commercial establishments entitled to the service and may, from time to time, revise the same on the basis of the cost of the service to the Borough.
A schedule of such charges shall be prepared and placed on file with the Borough Secretary, together with regulations pertaining to the collection of such charges and penalties for the nonpayment thereof.
(Ord. 681. Passed 12-9-68. )
(b) For the calendar year 1969 and for each succeeding year thereafter until changed by Council, a unit charge of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per family is hereby levied and assessed against the owner of each private dwelling house in the Borough. Upon such unit basis, the charge in the case of multiple dwellings or apartment houses, hotels, boarding houses, churches, schools, colleges, institutions, restaurants, tea rooms, garages, stores, shops, offices, or combinations of such structures, shall be computed by the Health and Sanitation Committee, or another officer or committee authorized by Council, and collected from the owners thereof as provided in Section 1060.07 et seq. The specifications and regulations referred to herein shall be construed as one enactment governing the Municipal collection of rubbish, garbage and other waste material (collectively called "trash") in the Borough. Such computations, when approved by Council, shall be as effective as those specifically set forth in this chapter, to the end that the owners of all properties entitled to the service and included therein shall bear their fair, proportionate part of the expense of operating the trash collection system.
(Ord. 686. Passed 3-10-69. )