For the purposes of this chapter a sign is any name, nameplate, billboard, poster panel, display, illustration, structure or device used for visual communication that is affixed, painted or represented directly or indirectly upon a building or other surface, including free-standing posts or stanchions, for the purpose of bringing the subject thereof to the attention of the public, or for identifying a business or structure. The above shall include banners, streamers, whirling or lighting devices and any other type of attention-attracting device.
The maximum area of a sign shall be one square foot per lineal. foot of building frontage.
No business or advertising device shall be located nearer to a residence district lot line than twenty-five feet, nor be designed so as to shine or reflect light into an adjacent residence.
No sign shall be erected at the intersection of streets so as to obstruct free and clear vision. If located within the direct line of vision of any traffic control sign or signal, no sign shall have red, green or amber illumination.
Illuminated signs must be stationary and constant in intensity and color. Floodlighting shall be shielded so that the source of light is not visible from any point off the lot and so that only the sign, building or structure is directly illuminated thereby.
No sign shall be permitted within the legal lines of any public street.
All signs that do not conform with the provisions of this chapter. on the effective date of this chapter (Ordinance 732, passed January 8, 1973) shall be altered to conform thereto or else removed or eliminated within five years from such date.
A sign permit shall be required for all signs exceeding two square feet in area. Such permit shall be issued, subject to the provisions of this chapter, upon the filing of an application on forms furnished by the Borough Secretary. Such application shall be accompanied by detailed plans and specifications and such other information as the enforcement officer deems necessary to manifest compliance with this chapter. All signs for which a permit is required shall be subject to annual inspection by the enforcement officer designated by Council.
(Ord. 732. Passed 1-8-73. )