The Borough of Swarthmore finds that the development of cable systems has the potential of having a great benefit to and positive impact on the people of Swarthmore. Because of the complex and rapidly changing technologies associated with cable television, the Borough also finds that public convenience, safety, and general welfare can best be served by vesting in the Borough, or such persons as the Borough designates, the power to regulate the construction and operation of cable systems. Further, the Borough recognizes that cable systems have the capacity to provide not only entertainment and information services to Borough residents but also a variety of broadband, interactive services to Borough agencies and other institutions. For these purposes, the following goals, among others, underlie the provisions set forth in this chapter:
(a) Cable services should be available to as many Borough residents as possible.
(b) Each cable system should be capable of accommodating both the present and reasonably foreseeable future cable-related needs of the community.
(c) Each cable system should be constructed and maintained during the franchise term so that new components may be integrated to the maximum extent possible into existing system facilities.
(d) Each cable system should be responsive to the needs and interests of the local community.
The Borough intends that all provisions set forth in this chapter be construed to serve the public interest and the foregoing public purposes, and that any franchise issued pursuant to this chapter be construed to include the foregoing findings and public purposes as integral parts thereof.
(Ord. 920. Passed 7-14-97; Ord. 938. Passed 7-12-99.)