(a) Whenever application is made to the Borough or any of its agencies, which application will require the Borough to incur advertising, legal, architectural and/or engineering charges and fees, or the cost of services of a court reporter, and such costs are not included in the permit or filing fee accompanying such application, the Borough Manager and/or the Borough Secretary shall estimate the amount thereof and require an advance cash deposit by the applicant deemed sufficient to cover the same. A receipt shall be given the applicant and such cash shall be deposited in the General Fund of the Borough, but shall not lose its character as a deposit, subject to the provisions of this section.
(b) All such costs incurred by the Borough shall be reasonable in amount, measured by charges customarily made for such services, but the incurring thereof shall be at the sole discretion of the Borough, acting through its officers and qualified employees. No application shall be received, filed or proceeded with until such indemnity for anticipated costs has been deposited in accordance with this section. If, at any time, the deposit proves insufficient, or is about to be exhausted, the applicant, on demand, shall supplement the same, and upon his or her refusal or failure to do so, Council may direct that further proceedings on the application be stayed until such additional deposit is made.
(c) When any such application has been processed to completion, and the amount disbursed by the Borough is finally ascertained, an accounting shall be rendered the applicant. If such accounting shows a credit balance in favor of the applicant, such balance of the deposit or deposits made by the applicant shall be returned to him or her; if the accounting shows a debit balance, the applicant shall promptly reimburse the Borough the amount of the shortage, failing which the Borough may proceed in any manner authorized by law to collect the same.
(Ord. 700. Passed 6-9-70.)