No operator of any vehicle parked in any space adjacent to which a parking meter is located shall fail to immediately deposit in such meter coins in the appropriate amount and combination as indicated on the meter, or fail to operate the meter in accordance with the instructions thereon. Reference to "coins" in this section means legal currency of the United States or electronic payment system approved and adopted by the Borough Council.
   (a)   The charge for use of Borough parking meters shall be set by resolution of Borough Council.
   (b)   Notwithstanding anything contained in this section to the contrary, Borough Council may authorize the purchase of parking permits that allow parking at designated meters at designated times in lieu of depositing coins in the meter. Such designations, and the monthly permit fee, shall be set by resolution of Borough Council.
(Ord. 976. Passed 1-12-04; Ord. 985. Passed 2-14-05.