As used in this chapter:
(a) "Parking meter zones" means highways or portions thereof and parking lots owned, leased or operated by the Borough for the relief of traffic congestion on the highways, but does not include locations where fire hydrants have been installed, nor such spaces as have been designated as bus spaces, entrances to churches, hotels, theaters or other places where parking has been prohibited.
(b) "Parking meter" means a device intended to assist the Borough authorities in enforcing the provisions of this chapter, limiting the time during which vehicles may be parked within a parking meter zone.
(c) "Legal parking time” means the time during which a vehicle may legally park in a parking meter zone, as established by ordinance or resolution and as indicated on the parking meter.
(d) “Vehicle" means a conveyance of any character for the transportation of persons or property.
(e) "Person" means every natural person, firm, partnership, association or corporation.
(Ord. 557. Passed 6-8-53. )