(a)   The Chair of the Environmental Advisory Council (EAC) shall be appointed by the Swarthmore Borough Council. The term is for the calendar year. The EAC shall create and fill such other offices as it may determine and may make and alter by-laws, rules and regulations to govern its procedures consistent with this and other ordinances of Swarthmore Borough and the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The EAC shall keep minutes of its meetings. Minutes shall be distributed to members of Borough Council and to the Planning Commission. The Chair of the EAC shall also make a written annual report to Borough Council on the second Monday in April.
    (b)   The purpose of the EAC shall be to advise the Borough Council, the Planning Commission, the Tree Committee, the Recycling Committee, the Historical Commission, and other Borough governmental and nongovernmental entities as requested by Borough Council. In developing such advice, the EAC shall undertake in-depth investigations, including the use of scientifically accepted methodologies, information collection and analysis, and it shall prepare reports of findings with recommendations.
(Ord. 924. Passed 4-13-98; Ord. 1083. Passed 3-12-18.)