(a)   The following words and phrases appearing with initial capital letters when used in this chapter shall have the meanings given to them in this section.
      (1)   "Borough" means the Borough of Swarthmore, County of Delaware, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
      (2)   "Council" means the Borough Council of the Borough of Swarthmore.
      (3)   "Discrimination" means discriminatory acts taken by any person, including but not limited to Employers, on the basis of Gender Identity and Expression, Sexual Orientation, or any other basis prohibited by the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act.
      (4)   "Discriminatory acts" include any difference in treatment in hiring, referring for hire, promoting, training, in membership in employee or labor organizations, or with respect to compensation, hire, tenure, terms, conditions or privileges of employment; in rendering service in places of public accommodation; in the sale, lease, rental or financing of housing and/or any other acts defined as "Unlawful Discriminatory Practices" by the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act.
      (5)   "Employer" means any person who employs one or more employees (exclusive of parents, spouse or children employed solely for domestic, non- commercial purposes), including the Borough, its departments, boards and commissions, but excluding any fraternal, sectarian, charitable or educational group which is operated, supervised or controlled by or in connection with a religious organization or religious group, or any individuals who as part of their employment reside in the home of their employer.
      (6)   "Gender identity and expression" means self-perception, or perception by others, as male or female, and shall include an individual’s appearance, behavior, or physical characteristics, that may be in accord with, or opposed to, one's physical anatomy, chromosomal sex, or sex assigned at birth, and shall include, but is not limited to, persons who are undergoing or have completed sex reassignment.
      (7)   "Ordinance" means this chapter which shall also be known as the Anti-Discrimination Ordinance.
      (8)   "Person" means any natural person, fraternal, civic or other membership organization, corporation, general or limited partnership, proprietorship, limited liability company, or similar business organization, including the Borough, its departments, boards and commissions, and other for profit and non-profit organizations.
      (9)   "Sexual orientation" means actual or perceived homosexuality, heterosexuality and bisexuality.
   (b)   To the extent words and phrases appearing with initial capital letters are not expressly defined herein, such words and phrases shall have the definitions set forth in the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act.
(Ord. 1000. Passed 3-13-06.)