(A)   Except in the case of an emergency, before commencing any construction in the rights-of-way, a person shall submit to the village detailed plans of the proposed construction activity. Such plans shall include the type of construction activity, the equipment proposed to be installed or erected, the specific locations of the construction activity and the scheduled beginning and ending dates of all planned construction. Such plans shall also include the name(s), address(es) and experience of any and all subcontractors whom applicant intends to utilize. Such information may be submitted concurrently with an application for a right-of-way permit.
   (B)   Upon submission of all such information required in division (A) above, the village shall review such information and either grant or deny a construction permit within 20 business days. If the village fails to grant or deny the construction permit within such time period, the permit shall be deemed granted. In each such case, the village shall review the information provided herein to determine whether such construction would have a detrimental impact on public safety as it relates to the rights-of-way. The village may impose conditions on the construction permit regulating the times, locations, and manner of construction to preserve effective traffic flow, prevent hazardous road conditions and/or minimize noise impacts.
(Ord. 2016-63, passed 12-12-2016)