(A) Every member of the Department shall be a citizen of the United States. Every member shall be resident of the State of Ohio unless the Village Council chooses to waive this requirement in particular ordinance form for a particular case.
(B) It is the duty of every member of the Department to preserve the peace, protect persons and property, read, obey and enforce all ordinances of the village, and all criminal laws of the State of Ohio and the United States.
(C) It is the duty of every member of the Department to keep up to date on all of the sections of these rules and regulations.
(D) Members shall accept all assignments given to them by their respective superior officers.
(E) Any member of the Department may be designated to execute a warrant of arrest, search, subpoena or writ. Any member failing to make a sincere effort to execute such process shall be held accountable for such neglect of duty.
(F) Members shall perform their duties with discretion. They shall not use violent, profane or insolent language while performing their duties or when dealing with the public.
(G) All Department records will be accurate. No records shall be removed from the Department files without proper authority.
(H) Members will not address any public gathering, representing the Department, unless authorized by the Chief of Police.
(I) No member shall aid any criminal with the view of permitting the criminal to escape the penalty of the law.
(J) Members shall report all violations by any member of the Department to the Chief of Police.
(K) Members of the Department shall avoid making arrests in their own families, especially in trivial matters.
(L) When a member of the Department makes an arrest and the prisoner is not confined to a cell, the arrested person is the responsibility of the officer. If a prisoner escapes or injures another person because of negligence, it will be considered gross neglect of duty.
(M) No member shall accept outside employment that is incompatible with that of a police officer or without the consent or the Chief of Police.
(N) A member may give information to the news media providing information is routine in nature. A member will not give out information to the news media if the information is of such nature that it will hamper an investigation. Any detailed news released will be made by the Chief of Police.
(O) A member shall support himself or herself and family and pay his or her just debts.
(P) A member shall not drink any kind of alcoholic beverages while in uniform, and shall not report for, or return to duty under the influence of alcohol or while he or she may show obvious signs of drinking.
(Q) Any member who loses any issued equipment, because of negligence, shall be held responsible for said equipment, and shall pay for such loss.
(Ord. 83-31, passed 9-26-1983; Ord. 92-20, passed 9-28-1992)