No horses or unleashed dogs shall be allowed on village owned properties, rights-of-way and any other property not owned, rented or leased by the animal’s owner. Horses or other animals are permitted in village parks or rights-of-way for special events, parades or festivals only with the prior approval of and under conditions established by the Village Council. No person shall permit any animal or pet to run at large or remain unattended at any time while on village owned properties, rights-of-way and any other property not owned, rented or leased by the animal’s owner. Animals are not permitted in any playground area or on any athletic fields. The owner of such a pet or animal shall remove animal waste from any areas not under their ownership, rent or lease and must carry at all times a visible means of collecting and disposing of waste properly in designated areas.
(Ord. 77-11, passed 6-27-1977; Ord. 92-20, passed 9-28-1992; Ord. 2012-11, passed 7-16-2012) Penalty, see § 94.99