(A)   Pursuant to state law, a Tax Incentive Review Council will be created to annually monitor compliance with terms of any agreement approved by the village and the Fulton County Commissioners. The Tax Incentive Review Council shall be composed of the Mayor of the village, or designee; a member of the Village Council, chosen by the President of the Council, the County Auditor or designee; the Village Director of Finance, one member of the Village Local Board of Education, chosen by members of the Board; and two other members of the public appointed by the Mayor, with the concurrence of the Village Council. At least four members of the Tax Incentive Review Council shall be residents of the village.
   (B)   The terms for appointment to the Review Tax Incentive Review Council shall be one year, from January 1 to December 31. There is no limit to the number of terms one individual may serve.
   (C)   Annually the Tax Incentive Review Council will review all outstanding agreements to determine whether the businesses have complied with the terms of the agreement, and make recommendations regarding the compliance to the Village Council. The Council may take any action available to an agreement to obtain compliance with the agreement.
(Ord. 93-8, passed 8-23-1993)