(A) An approved Final Development Plan shall become for the proposed development a binding commitment of the specific elements approved for development. The approved Final Development Plan may be transferred to another person, corporation, or group of individuals or corporations prior to the issuance of a building permit. If an approved Final Development Plan is transferred to another entity, the Zoning Administrative shall be noticed so he/she can retain a copy of said transfer for the Village files. Any new entity that obtains the approved final development plan by means of transfer assumes all the administrative, financial, legal, and all other performance guarantees approved with the original, final development plan.
(B) All construction and development under any zoning permit shall be in accordance with the approved final development plan. Any departure from such plan shall be cause for revocation of the zoning permit, and the property owner or other responsible parties are subject to penalties as prescribed by this Zoning Code.
(C) Modification after Approval. Changes to the approved development plan shall require resubmittal for review pursuant to this section; provided, however, that the Zoning Administrator may administratively approve minor changes to the approved plan which do not:
(1) Result in an increase in the number of units.
(2) Encroach into the setback areas;
(3) Encroach into parking areas through an increase in its height, length or width that would magnify its effect on an adjoining area;
(4) Create a larger building mass that would magnify its effect on the adjoining area either through an increase in its height, length or width; and
(5) Alter specific conditions approved by the Village Planning Commission.
(Ord. 2023-03, passed 2-27-2023)