(A)   (1)   The applicant shall apply for a special use permit in accordance with § 154.213 of this code. Incomplete applications and site plans will not be considered. The Administrator and/or Planning Commission may require the applicant to submit any additional information or material which is deemed necessary for an adequate review of the application.
      (2)   No RV park shall be established if below two acres and if the average density is less than or equal to five spaces per acre.
      (3)   The minimum area of an RV space shall be 1,000 square feet; provided, tent areas shall have no minimum space size.
   (B)   All RVs, together with their additions, and appurtenant structures, accessory structures, and other structures on the site (excluding fences) shall observe the following setback requirements (excluding any hitch or towing fixture):
      (1)   There shall be a minimum distance of five feet between an individual RV unit and an adjoining interior RV park street.
      (2)   There shall be a minimum distance of five feet between an RV unit and the property line.
      (3)   There shall be a minimum distance of ten feet between RV units, and between an RV unit and unattached structures.