(A)   Village Clerk.
      (1)   Elected. The Village Clerk shall be elected at the same election as the Mayor for a four-year term and shall serve until his or her successor is elected and has qualified.
(Prior Code, § 2-201)
      (2)   Board minutes; records. The Village Clerk shall attend all meetings of the Village Board and shall keep in a suitable book to be styled The Journal of the Village Board, a full and faithful record of its proceedings. The Village Clerk shall record and properly index in a book kept for that purpose, all ordinances passed by the Village Board, and at the foot of the record of each ordinance so recorded, he or she shall make a memorandum of the date of the passage and, when published, a memorandum of the publication of such ordinance. He or she shall also record in proper books for the purpose, all official bonds and note upon each bond so recorded, when the same was entered of record and the book and pages where recorded. The Clerk will take minutes for all open, closed and special meetings of the Village Board, with the exception of the Planning, Zoning and Park Boards.
(Prior Code, § 2-202)
      (3)   Delivery of papers to officers. He or she shall also, without delay, deliver to the Mayor, all ordinances or resolutions, orders and claims in his or her charge which may require to be approved or otherwise acted upon by the Mayor.
(Prior Code, § 2-203)
      (4)   Preparation of documents, commissions and license. The Clerk shall prepare all commissions, licenses, permits and other official documents required to be issued by him or her under this code or ordinances and shall attest the same with the corporate seal, and he or she shall, in like manner, attest all deeds for the sale of real estate owned and conveyed by the village.
(Prior Code, § 2-204)
      (5)   License plates. In all cases where the village requires a license to be obtained for the purpose of engaging in or carrying on any business or occupation, and the licensee is required to obtain from the Clerk, plates, tags or stickers, it shall be the duty of the Clerk to deliver such plates, tags or stickers to the person paying the license fee.
(Prior Code, § 2-206)
      (6)   Administration of oaths. The Clerk shall have the power to administer oaths or affirmations for all lawful purposes.
(Prior Code, § 2-207)
      (7)   Successor. The Village Clerk shall carefully preserve in his or her office all books, records, papers, maps and effects of every detail and description belonging to the village or pertaining to his or her office, and not in actual use and possession of other village officers; and, upon the expiration of his or her official term, he or she shall deliver all such books, records, papers and effects to his or her successor in office.
(Prior Code, § 2-210)
      (8)   Notification to persons elected or appointed. The Clerk, within five days after the result of an election is declared or an appointment is made, shall notify all persons elected or appointed to office of their election or appointment. The office becomes vacant unless the person elected or appointed qualifies within ten days after such notice.
(Prior Code, § 2-215)
      (9)   Other duties.
         (a)   The Village Clerk shall attend all Village Board meetings and committee meetings, including executive sessions, and make, prepare and keep a full record of their proceedings, except if the Village Clerk is the subject matter of the meeting and his or her presence creates a conflict of interest.
         (b)   In addition to the foregoing duties, the Clerk shall perform all such other duties pertaining to his or her office as are or may be imposed upon him or her by law or resolution or ordinance of the Village Board.
(Prior Code, § 2-216)
      (10)   Personal use. The Village Clerk shall not use the office facilities or equipment for his or her own personal use or for his or her own business use. The Village Clerk is hereby prohibited from using the village office facilities for any other purpose other than official village business.
(Prior Code, § 2-217)
      (11)   Audio recording of meetings; closed sessions. The Clerk shall destroy the audio recordings of closed sessions of the meetings of the Board of Trustees and its committees when all of the following conditions are fulfilled:
         (a)   Eighteen months have elapsed;
         (b)   The Board of Trustees has approved the minutes of the closed session;
         (c)   The Board of Trustees has approved the destruction of the recordings; and
         (d)   There is no court or investigation warranting the preservation of the recording.
(Prior Code, § 2-218)
   (B)   Deputy Clerk.
      (1)   The Village Clerk is hereby authorized to appoint four Deputy Clerks who may or may not be current village employees, and will be trained by the Village Clerk.
         (a)   If the appointed Village Clerk is a non-village employee, they will be reimbursed $575 for each time they attend a village meeting and prepare the minutes in the absence of the Village Clerk. The non-village employee Deputy Clerk can attend executive sessions, except if the Deputy Clerk is the subject of the meeting and his or her presence creates a conflict of interest. The non-village Deputy Clerk would not have access to the safe and, therefore, shall deliver the minutes and/or tapes/recordings to someone with access to the safe, such as a Board member or a Deputy Clerk who is a employee of the village with access. The non-village Deputy Clerk shall not have access to the corporate seal. The non-village employee Deputy Clerk shall not have any involvement in the collection of election correspondence.
         (b)   If the appointed Village Clerk is a village employee, they will be reimbursed for attending a village meeting in the absence of the Village Clerk by overtime or comp time. They shall prepare the minutes of the meetings they attend during their regular office hours. The appointed Deputy Clerk who is a village employee can attend executive sessions, except if the Deputy Clerk is the subject of the meeting and his or her presence creates a conflict of interest. The appointed Deputy Clerk who is a village employee shall and assist in the election process. The appointed Deputy Clerk who is a village employee shall have the power and duty to execute all documents required by law to be executed by the Village Clerk, and affix the seal of the village thereto, such Deputy Clerk to act at such times as hereinafter provided. In signing any documents, such Deputy Clerk shall sign the name of the Village Clerk followed with the word “By” and the Deputy Clerk’s own name and the words “Deputy Clerk”.
      (2)   The powers and duties herein described shall be exercised by such Deputy Clerk only in the absence of the Village Clerk from the Village Clerk’s office in the village’s Government Center and only when either written direction has been given by the Village Clerk to such Deputy to exercise such power or the Village Board has determined, by resolution, that the Village Clerk is temporarily or permanently incapacitated to perform such functions.
      (3)   Such Deputy Clerk shall have the authority and powers hereinabove described and such further power and authority as provided for by this section or state statute. Such Deputy Clerk shall also have any such further powers and authority as may hereinafter be granted pursuant to statute.
(Ord. 1540, passed 2-2-2009; Ord. 1688, passed 12-2-2013; Ord. 1730, passed 11-23-2015; Ord. 1859, passed 5-6-2019; Ord. 1862, passed 7-15-2019)