The street shall be restored by the applicant and or developer as indicated below.
   (A)   All trenches shall be backfilled with compacted CA-6 rock or approved alternate. No material removed from the trench will be allowed to be reused unless approved by the village prior to placement.
   (B)   Temporary patches may be installed to facilitate traffic movement until a permanent patch can be installed. The contractor shall be responsible for maintaining the temporary patch and for all liability associated with the excavation and repair.
   (C)   The contractor shall notify the village 24 hours prior to pouring or placing any permanent repairs.
   (D)   The existing pavement should be saw-cut one foot beyond the trench limits (each direction) prior to initiating the pavement repair.
   (E)   (1)   Concrete streets shall be repaired with portland cement pavement having a 28-day compressive strength of not less than 4,000 PSI and having a minimum thickness equivalent to the pavement being replaced, but in no case less than six inches in thickness.
      (2)   Prior to pouring the replacement slab, the contractor shall install one-half dowel bars at a maximum of 30-inch spacing (minimum two, each direction) into the existing slab.
      (3)   The contractor shall be responsible for replacing any reinforcing removed during the repair process and for installing reinforcing in any repair area as directed by the village.
   (F)   Asphalt streets shall be repaired with a minimum thickness equal to the surrounding surface, but not less than eight-inch bituminous concrete dyed to match the surrounding. Asphalt can be used in lieu of bituminous concrete pavement.
   (G)   Oil and chip streets shall be repaired with a minimum thickness equal to the surrounding surface, but not less than eight inches of bituminous concrete pavement.
(Prior Code, § 6-504) (Ord. 1696, passed 3-17-2014) Penalty, see § 93.99