§ 31.08 RULES.
   The following rules of order and procedure shall govern the deliberations and meetings of the Village Board.
   (A)   Rules of the Board. The Robert’s Rules of Order, current edition, is hereby adopted as the rules of the Village Board of Trustees.
   (B)   Censure of Trustees; expulsion of Trustees. Any Trustee acting or appearing in a lewd or disgraceful manner, or who uses abusive, obscene or insulting language to or about any member of the Board, or who does not obey the order of the Chair, shall be, on motion, censured by a majority vote of the members present, or expelled by a two-thirds vote of all Trustees then holding office.
   (C)   Decorum. Any person wishing to speak at a meeting of the Board of Trustees or a meeting of a committee thereof on a matter on the meeting’s agenda shall first raise his or her hand to be recognized by the meeting Chairperson. The speaker shall wait for recognition by the Chairperson, then state his or her name and relationship to the matter under discussion, and then offer his or her comment. Any person wishing to speak on a matter not on the agenda shall first contact any Trustee or the Mayor no later than 4:30 p.m. on the Friday prior to the meeting so that the matter can be referred to the proper committee of the Board of Trustees.
(Prior Code, § 2-108) (Ord. 1630, passed 11-7-2011; Ord. 1683, passed 8-19-2013)
Statutory reference:
   Related provisions, see 65 ILCS 5/3.1-40-15 and 65 ILCS 5/3.1-45-10