§ 31.07 QUORUM.
   (A)   In order to constitute a quorum for all public meetings of the Village Board, a majority of the quorum must be physically present for the transaction of business, but a lesser number may organize and adjourn, from day to day, and may compel the attendance of absent members.
   (B)   At a regular meeting, special meeting or committee meeting of the Board of Trustees, if a quorum is physically present, a Trustee or the Village President (“Board member”) may attend the meeting by video or audio conference if the Board member is prevented from physically attending because of personal illness or disability, employment purposes or the business of the village, or family or other emergency, so long as the Board member notifies the Village Clerk before the meeting (unless advance notice is impractical) and the Board member participates by video or audio conference for the entire meeting.
   (C)   After a role call establishing that a quorum is physically present where a Board member desires to attend by video or audio conference, the presiding officer shall state that:
      (1)   Notice was received by a Board member to attend by video or audio conference; and
      (2)   The Board member will be deemed authorized to attend, unless a motion objecting to the Board member’s attendance is made, seconded and approved by two-thirds of the corporate authorities physically present at the meeting.
   (D)   The provisions of this section also apply to closed meetings.
(Prior Code, § 2-107) (Ord. 1480, passed 1-22-2007)