§ 33.39 LONGEVITY.
   (A)   In recognition of extended service, every police officer shall receive longevity pay, paid as a one time bonus, in increments as listed below. The longevity premium is calculated by multiplying the base wage rate times the longevity increment, then multiplying the figure derived by the base schedule of hours, 2,080 hours (2,184 hours for sergeants, Deputy Chief of Police and Chief of Police), paid on the next pay period after the employee’s anniversary date of employment.
   (B)   Upon completion of the following years of service:
      (1)   Four through seven years: 3% of the police officer base wage rate;
      (2)   Eight through 11 years: 4% of the police officer base wage rate;
      (3)   Twelve through 15 years: 6% of the police officer base wage rate;
      (4)   Sixteen through 19 years: 8% of the police officer base wage rate; and
      (5)   Twenty or more years of service: 10% of the police officer base wage rate.
(Prior Code, § 4-205)