(A)   The Board of Trustees may authorize reimbursement to any full-time permanent employee for the cost of tuition and fees incurred relative to the completion of any course or courses in which the employee is enrolled; provided that, said courses have been determined to be beneficial to the employees professional development and the Board has authorized reimbursement prior to enrollment.
   (B)   Reimbursement shall be limited to no more per credit hour than the local Community College District charges, plus all related student fees. No reimbursement shall be made for books or supply costs.
   (C)   The Board shall limit reimbursement to those courses, which it has determined each quarter or semester to be:
      (1)   Directly related to the employees current job;
      (2)   Part of an associate degree program which is directly related to the employees current job;
      (3)   Part of a bachelors degree program which is directly related to the employees current job;
      (4)   Part of a masters degree program which is directly related to the employees current job; or
      (5)   A course or program, which will prepare the employee for a new position within the village for which the employee is being considered.
   (D)   The Board shall limit authorization for reimbursement to those full-time employees who have at least six-months’ continuous employment, and who have submitted a written application for authorization to the Personnel Committee prior to enrollment. Said application shall include, at a minimum:
      (1)   A brief description of the course or courses;
      (2)   Name of the educational institution;
      (3)   Tuition and fee cost;
      (4)   Requirements for degree programs (if applicable); and
      (5)   Scheduled time of classes.
   (E)   The Committee shall review each application and recommend that the full Board of Trustees authorize, or decline to authorize, reimbursement.
   (F)   Upon completion of the approved courses for each quarter or semester, the employee shall submit to the Personnel Committee a written request for reimbursement, which shall include a tuition/fee statement, proof of payment and grade report.
   (G)   No reimbursement shall be made for any course in which a grade lower than “C” has been earned.
   (H)   In the event an employee voluntarily terminates employment with the village within one year after reimbursement has been granted, the village shall have the right to demand repayment of such reimbursement. Demand for repayment shall only include reimbursement granted for the last semester or quarter completed by the employee.
(Prior Code, § 4-113) (Ord. 1390, passed 11-15-2004)