It shall be the duty of all persons who are the owners of existing potable and non-potable wells located within the municipality, or within one mile of the corporate limits of the municipality, or within one-fourth mile of a municipal well to register said potable and non-potable wells with the Village Clerk-Treasurer. Such registration shall include the location of the well, the date such well was placed into service (if known), the diameter and depth of the well, whether the well is potable or non-potable, the current use of the well and water supplied therefrom and any other information requested or required by the Utilities Superintendent. In the event that any landowner fails or refuses to register such wells, the Utilities Superintendent or his or her duly authorized agent shall have the authority to enter upon the landowner’s property for the purpose of acquiring well registration information.
(Prior Code, § 4-502) (Ord. 574, passed 7-24-2013)