(A)   Upon receipt by the Department of: (1) a written complaint; (2) an oral or anonymous complaint; or (3) observance of circumstances by the Ordinance Enforcement Officer that a condition exists that may be dangerous or prejudicial to public health or safety, the notification shall be forwarded to the Director of the Department or the Director's designee. The complaint shall identify the property location by street address or parcel identification number, if possible. It shall further include information identifying the nature of the public health or safety nuisance.
   (B)   Request to investigate. The Director shall assign an ordinance enforcement officer to investigate and document the conditions and formulate a written report including photographs (if relevant), a description of conditions, and a recommendation on whether further action is warranted. The investigation shall begin within 96 hours of receipt of the complaint.
   (C)   No action. If the Ordinance Enforcement Officer's recommendation is "no action", the file will be closed and the complainant will receive written notification of that fact.
   (D)   Further action. If the Ordinance Enforcement Officer recommends further action to remove, abate or remedy the dangerous or prejudicial conditions, the Director will schedule an on-site meeting with the Ordinance Enforcement Officer to review the conditions and report the Director's recommendations to the County Manager.
   (E)   Owner/occupant notification. If the County Manager concurs with the Director's recommendation, the property owner and occupant shall receive: (1) written notice that the conditions on the owner's and occupant's property have been determined to be a public health or safety nuisance; and (2) an order to remove, abate or remedy said nuisance.
      (1)   The notice and order shall be mailed by First Class Mail and by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the property address maintained by the Surry County Tax Administrator which is presumed to be the owner's correct address. Additionally, the occupant shall be personally served with notice and order by an officer authorized to serve a warrant as well as by First Class Mail addressed to the occupant's last known address. If the occupant and owner are one and the same, only one notice and order shall be mailed.
      (2)   The notice and order may be posted upon the property in a manner permitted by law.
      (3)   The notice and order shall include the property address by street location and parcel identification number, along with the nature of the public health or safety nuisance existing upon or at the property.
      (4)   The notice and order shall direct the owner or occupant to remove, abate or remedy the health or safety nuisance within a certain date, not to exceed 30 days from the receipt of the notice, unless a shorter time is required due to the Department's further determination that imminent abatement is necessary to protect public health and safety.
      (5)   The notice shall include the owner's and occupant's right of appeal of the Department's finding that a public health or safety nuisance exists on their property.
      (6)   The Department's finding that a public health or safety nuisance exists shall be appealable to the Surry County Board of Commissioners by owner or occupant upon written notice to the Clerk and to the Board, 114 W. Atkins Street, P.O. Box 1467, Dobson, NC 27017 within seven days of notice and order.
(Ord. passed 10-18-2021)