§ 92.03 FRAMEWORK.
   (A)   This Ordinance specifies:
      (1)   The manner in which an owner or occupant of property in the County is provided notice of a dangerous or prejudicial condition on their property;
      (2)   Directs the owner or occupant to remove, abate or remedy the dangerous or prejudicial condition;
      (3)   Permits the owner or occupant a reasonable time for the dangerous or prejudicial condition to be remedied; and
      (4)   Provides authority for the County to remove, abate or remedy the condition should the owner or occupant fail to or refuse to act within a reasonable time.
   (B)   Before the County takes action to remove, abate or remedy, the property owner or occupant has:
      (1)   A right to appeal, offer evidence and confront the complaining party; and
      (2)   A right of appeal to the General Court of Justice from a finding by the Surry County Board of Commissioners.
(Ord. passed 10-18-2021)