Sec. 18-154. Pretreatment requirements.
   (a)   The director will determine through review of the industrial discharge permit application and in cooperation with the applicant whether the waste produced shall be pretreated by the applicant before it is discharged into the town sewer. When appropriate, at facilities already in operation, sampling of wastes to determine characteristics may be performed by the town at the applicant's cost. The director shall advise the applicant of the level of pretreatment required and of a compliance schedule. If the director determines that such waste must be pretreated, the applicant shall submit to the director for approval, plans and specifications of the proposed pretreatment facilities.
   (b)   If such plans and specifications are approved as submitted, or amended by the director, the applicant shall proceed according to an agreed schedule to provide such pretreatment facilities.
   (c)   The construction plans for such pretreatment plants or facilities shall after their approval be placed on file in permanent reproducible form with the director without cost to the town.
   (d)   If the pretreatment facilities are completed according to the approved plans and specifications, and the applicant demonstrates its effective use and provides a proper sewer connection and industrial waste discharge application, the director shall issue the applicant a waste discharge permit. The permit shall authorize such connection and permit the applicant to discharge such waste into the public sewer at the rate and in the quantity and/or connection stated herein. These pretreatment facilities shall be maintained continuously in satisfactory and effective operation by the owner at his expense.
   (e)   The conditions and limits in this article shall be used as pretreatment plant design criteria and shall be applied to the maximum estimated rate of flow through the plant. The minimum pretreatment for industrial or other wastewater, which is consistently within pH limits but requires pretreatment, shall be to pass wastewater through a grease trap or other interceptor providing a minimum detention period of ten (10) minutes between the influent and effluent baffles with twenty (20) percent of the total volume of the grease trap or interceptor being allowed for a sludge pocket. This sludge pocket shall be serviced as required, but at intervals of no longer than thirty (30) days at the owner's expense. It shall be kept free of inorganic solids which settle into the required sludge pocket, and all grease or other floating material shall be skimmed from the trap or basin tank at intervals of a frequency sufficient to avoid accumulation of scum covering the surface of the liquid, but not less frequently than each thirty (30) days.
   (f)   Upon written notification by the director that a grease interceptor is required for a given discharge, the user will have a period of one hundred twenty (120) days for compliance. Such compliance consists of the provision to the director of detailed plans and specifications for approval and the method of installation and operability of a grease trap or other interceptor device. Failure to comply will result in the implementation of the enforcement procedures of this article.
   (g)   There shall be a debris screen included in pretreatment facilities immediately preceding or following the grease interceptor through which all industrial waste, excepting flow from toilet and personal sanitary facilities, shall pass. A debris screen may be required as the final feature of a pretreatment facility with a maximum size opening necessary to protect the public sewer system.
   (h)   The solid matter removed from any interceptor or that which is retained by the debris screen shall be disposed of in lawful manner, without nuisance, by the owner at his expense, but shall in no case be placed in the town's wastewater system.
   (i)   Should the wastewater system customer operate a grease trap, an interceptor or other pretreatment device in which inorganic sludge is collected and stored, such inorganic sludge shall not be placed in the town's wastewater system and all effluent from such pretreatment plant or device must pass-through the required debris screen.
   (j)   If it is determined that an applicant discharges wastewater which does not require pretreatment, the applicant will be issued a permit permitting the applicant to discharge wastewater to the public sewer at a publicly provided access point at a rate, and in the quantities and qualities stated in the permit.
(Ord. No. 1992-1, 1-7-92; Ord. No. 2021-09, 5-4-21)