Sec. 18-1. Definitions.
   (a)   As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
      (1)   Owner shall mean the record owner of real property as listed with the Surf City Tax Collector, and shall further include all persons, firms, corporations, joint ventures, partnerships or any other entities having an interest in the property.
      (2)   Director shall mean the director of public utilities as designated by the town manager.
      (3)   Customer shall mean that person, and includes firms, corporations, joint ventures, partnerships or any other entity, for whom a utility account for water and/or sewer are opened upon terms, conditions and schedules published by the town, and shall on or after the effective date of this chapter [Ordinance No. 1992-1] include the "owner" of the property.
      (4)   Town council or board shall mean the board of commissioners of the Town of Surf City.
      (5)   Town manager shall mean the person designated as the town manager pursuant to G.S. 160A-147 through 160A-150.
      (6)   Premises are those improvements upon real estate located within the Town of Surf City serviced by water and sewer.
      (7)   Residential unit shall mean a home or dwelling together under roof constituting a separate independent housekeeping unit containing two hundred (200) square feet or more of floor space, for owner occupancy, rental or lease, and physically separated from other dwelling units whether within or without other structures, and containing independent cooking, sleeping and toilet facilities. Provided that where separate independent dwelling units exist within a single-family occupied residence, and the separate independent dwelling unit is not occupied by any persons upon any consideration for rent or lease basis, said separate living quarters may remain on the main residence meter and not be subject to any minimum charges for water and sewer or solid waste collection fees.
      (8)   Commercial unit shall mean any business or space occupied into which the public is invited to do business for goods and/or service, and includes all businesses, avocations, or callings of any kind and specifically excludes all residential units.
      (9)   Standard rate shall mean those rates, fees, charges and penalties for water and sewer service and availability of such service adopted from time to time by the town council as section 18-195 to this chapter and as posted at the town hall.
      (10)   Service shall mean the availability of water and/or sewer for connection to improved real estate within the Town of Surf City regardless of whether the owner of the property has connected to the system.
      (11)   System shall mean and include both water and sewer service of the Town of Surf City, its equipment and appurtenances thereto, above and below grounds, and at all locations.
      (12)   Average flow means the total flow of water or wastewater in gallons during a normal operating calendar day of twenty-four (24) hours, as can be measured over a period of time of not less than six (6) months.
      (13)   Use of the masculine gender in this chapter shall also mean the feminine. Use of the singular shall also mean the plural.
   (b)   The town manager shall prepare a form for exemption pursuant to section 18-1(a)(7) above. The making of any false statement shall be punishable as a misdemeanor pursuant to G.S. 14-4.
(Ord. No. 1992-1, 1-7-92; Ord. No. 1992-14, § 1, 6-2-92; Ord. No. 1992-26, § 1, 9-1-92; Ord. No. 1992-28, § 1, 9-1-92; Ord. No. 1994-6, § 1, 4-5-94; Ord. No. 2021-09, 5-4-21)