A.   Entrance/Exit: Parking lot entrance and exits shall be constructed with the same requirements as intersections for residential and private streets. The distance between parking lot entrances and/or exits from an intersection or other entrance or exit shall be no less than those listed in table 3 of this section, except as recommended in a traffic study.
Road Type
   Minimum Distance
   (Measured Between Centerline)
   125 feet
   150 feet
   150 feet
   300 feet
   B.   Drainage: All parking and loading areas shall provide proper drainage of surface water to prevent the drainage of such water onto adjacent properties or walkways. Minimum pretreatment for drainage collected from a paved parking surface shall be conveyed through a catch basin or drop inlet with a sedimentation basin before release into a drainage system.
   C.   Driveway Aisles, Stall Width And Length: Driveway aisles, stall width and length by parking angle shall be as follows:
Parking Angle
Stall Width
Stall Depth1
Drive Aisle2
   0° (parallel)
      1.   Stalls designed for compact vehicles may be reduced in depth by 2 feet.
      2.   All two-way drive aisles shall be 25 feet.
   D.   Width: In addition to the standards in table 4 of this section, parking lots shall provide for adequate width for maneuvering traffic flow in and out of stalls and the parking lot.
   E.   Slope: All public parking shall have a maximum slope of seven percent (7%) and residential parking lots shall have a maximum of ten percent (10%).
   F.   Wheel Restraint: Where necessary, all off street parking areas shall be provided with a substantial wheel restraint to prevent cars from encroaching upon abutting private and public property or overhanging beyond the designated parking stall dimensions.
   G.   Markings: Parking spaces and access lanes shall be marked, including handicapped symbols and signs. (Ord. 382, 10-25-2006)
   H.   Lighting: All lighting provided to illuminate a parking area shall comply with the lighting standards provided in section 7-3-9 of this title as well as all applicable lighting provisions, guidelines and standards in title 9 of this code.
   I.   Snow Storage Areas: Snow storage areas shall be located on site in an amount that is equal to at least fifty percent (50%) of the hard surfaces. (Ord. 455, 12-6-2012)
   J.   Alternative Lot Dimensions: During design review, the approving body or authority may allow for flexibility in dimensional standards related to stall sizing and aisle widths in consideration for providing thoughtful lot design, including elements such as: pedestrian access, landscaping, drainage, lighting, and alternative fuel or electric vehicle parking. (Ord. 504, 1-5-2017)