(A)   Beginning on the effective date of this subchapter, the city will engage in a public education campaign to inform business establishments and citizens of the requirements regarding carryout bags.
   (B)   Beginning September 1, 2013 no person may provide single-use carryout bags at any city facility, city-sponsored event, or any event held on city property.
   (C)   Beginning September 1, 2013 a business establishment within the city limits may not provide single-use carryout bags to its customers.
   (D)   Beginning September 1, 2013 a business establishment within the city limits must provide prominently displayed signage advising customers of the benefit of reducing, reusing and recycling and of the need to use reusable carryout bags.
   (E)   A business establishment within the city limits may provide or sell reusable carryout bags to its customers or any person. Subject to applicable regulations regarding the use of public property, including those pertaining to reservations, solicitation, and hours of operation, a person may provide or sell reusable carryout bags at any city facility, city-sponsored event, or any event held on city property.
(Ord. 130219-C, passed 2-19-2013; Ord. 140916-A, passed 9-16-2014)