(A)   The date for the general election of the Mayor and members of the City Council is hereby changed from the May uniform election date, the second Saturday in May each year, to the November uniform election date, the first Tuesday of November each year. The term of each such office shall remain two years except as provided in this section. The staggering of offices in effect immediately before December 11, 2012, the effective date of this section, shall continue in effect, so that the term of each office will expire in the even or odd year applicable before the effective date of this section.
   (B)   For those holding such an office on the effective date of this section, the term of office shall extend to the later of:
      (1)   The next November uniform election date after the date an election would have been scheduled to elect a successor to such office but for the change effected by this section; and
      (2)   When a successor has duly been qualified and is authorized to assume the office in accordance with applicable law.
(Ord. 190702-C, passed 7-2-2019)