(A)   Office of the Mayor.
      (1)   The Mayor is the city's Chief Executive Officer.
      (2)   The Mayor is the Budget Officer and is charged with the duty of proposing a budget each year for consideration and adoption by the City Council.
      (3)   Subject to the limitations provided in the City Human Resources Policy Manual and such other limitations adopted from time to time by the City Council, the Mayor has general and final authority for management of administrative and human resource functions.
      (4)   The Mayor shall perform the duties and exercise the powers prescribed by the City Council.
      (5)   Subject to applicable state laws and ordinances, resolutions, and directives adopted or approved from time to time by the City Council, the Mayor:
         (a)   Shall actively ensure that the laws and ordinances of the city are properly carried out;
         (b)   Is authorized to exercise all powers in compliance with Ch. 418 of the Tex. Gov't Code in case of a public calamity, after the Mayor has declared a local disaster or asked the Governor to declare a state of emergency;
         (c)   May sign bonds, certificates of obligation, warrants, and other evidence of debt, and contracts and other documents and instruments approved or authorized by the City Council, and may execute instruments of payment for routine and recurring obligations such as city employees' salaries, wages, and costs of employee benefit programs in conformance with compensation and benefits approved and budgeted by the City Council, and such non-routine obligations authorized by the City Council;
         (d)   May exercise such other authority conferred by applicable law as modified or limited by action of the City Council; and
         (e)   Is allowed to vote only in the event of a tie vote.
   (B)   Office of the Mayor Pro Tem:
      (1)   Is a member of the Council who performs the Mayor's duties during the Mayor's incapacity or absence;
      (2)   Is selected by majority vote of the Council from among its own membership;
      (3)   Serves for a term of office of one year;
      (4)   Retains the right to vote on all matters before the Council while performing the duties of the Mayor.
   (C)   Office of Council Member (Alderperson).
      (1)   Council members are the city's legislators. Their primary duty is policymaking, which includes identifying the needs of residents, formulating programs to meet the changing requirements of the community, and measuring the effectiveness of ongoing municipal services.
      (2)   The Council has the authority to adopt and amend the budget.
      (3)   Subject to an obligation to recuse as a result of a conflict of interest pursuant to applicable law, each Council Member is entitled to vote or abstain on every question decided at a Council meeting, and has full parliamentary privileges in Council meetings, including the right to speak and make motions when recognized by the Presiding Officer and the right to introduce new ordinances and amendments to existing ones, in accordance with procedures of chapter 30 of this code and such other regulations adopted by the City Council from time to time for such purpose.
      (4)   The City Council exercises regulatory powers with regard to the health, safety, and welfare of the public and for the good government of the city in compliance with all applicable law.
      (5)   The City Council may levy taxes, assess fees and charges, and authorize the sale of bonds and other instruments of indebtedness of the city to finance the functions of the city government.
   (D)   Provisions applicable to all elected officers.
      (1)   Pursuant to Tex. Loc. Gov't Code § 22.041, if a member of the governing body is absent for three regular consecutive meetings, the member's office is considered vacant unless the member is sick or has first obtained a leave of absence at a regular meeting.
      (2)   The Mayor or a member of the City Council may be removed from office as set forth in § 21.002 of the Tex. Loc. Gov't Code.
      (3)   A vacancy in office shall be filled in accordance with § 30.30.
(Ord. 190702-C, passed 7-2-2019)