(A)   The holder of an alarm permit shall pay a service fee for each false alarm notification that is in excess of six within any 12-month period.
   (B)   For alarm systems that have the capability of indicating a robbery or other crime against a person, the holder of an alarm permit for such alarm system shall pay a service fee for each false alarm notification indicating that a robbery or other crime against a person has occurred that is in excess of two such alarms within any 12-month period. Each false alarm of a crime against a person shall be counted as a false alarm notification pursuant to division (A) of this section, but in the event that a fee is due pursuant to both divisions (A) and (B) of this section, only the higher of the two fees shall be due and payable.
   (C)   For any alarm notification for which a false notification fee is assessed, the Chief of Police has the authority to investigate the circumstances of the alarm and may waive the payment of the fee when circumstances indicate there is no defect in the alarm setting or operation of the alarm system and the cause for the alarm could not reasonably have been prevented. The Chief of Police may also waive the fee for a false notification of an unpermitted alarm system if circumstances indicate that the owner or user of the alarm system were unaware of the requirement of a permit.
(Ord. 960220, passed 2-20-1996; Ord. 150303-B, passed 3-3-2015)