(A)   Truck traffic.
      (1)   Definitions. For the purpose of this division (A), the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
         AUTHORIZED EMERGENCY TRUCKS. Trucks of a fire department, police trucks, public and private ambulances for which permits have been issued by the State Board of Health, emergency trucks of municipal departments or public service corporations as are designated or authorized by the governing body of an incorporated city, private trucks operated by volunteer firefighters or certified emergency medical services volunteers while answering a fire alarm or responding to a medical emergency, and trucks owned by the City of Austin or the state or any other political subdivision thereof engaged in bonafide emergency utility repair of electric, water or wastewater services.
         PROOF OF ROUTE. A verification of pick ups, deliveries or destinations which shall consist of a log book, delivery slip, shipping order, bill of lading contract or other document, identifying and specifying the date, address and name of the company or person requesting or directing the pick up or delivery, and the company or person receiving the pick up or delivery and the site of the pick up, delivery or destination within the corporate limits of the city.
         TANDEM AXLE GROUP. Two or more axles spaced 40 inches or more apart from center to center having at least one common point of weight suspension.
         THROUGH TRUCK. Trucks having no destination, pick up or delivery point in the city.
         TRUCK. A motor vehicle designed, used or maintained primarily for the transportation of property and equipped with tandem axle groups, a movable loading bed or all truck-tractor or semitrailer combinations.
      (2)   Truck traffic prohibited. Due to the congestion of traffic, the frequency and passage of vehicles, the direction and volume of flow of traffic, the dimensions and conditions of the streets herein named within the corporate limits of the city and for the free flow and expeditious handling of traffic and the safety of persons and property, all public streets, except Highway 290 West and Brodie Lane within the corporate limits of the city, shall be closed to through truck traffic. The city is authorized to and shall place appropriate signs indicating “NO THRU TRUCK TRAFFIC”; provided that, no sign shall apply or be placed on Highway 290 West or Brodie Lane.
      (3)   Exemptions. Authorized emergency trucks responding to an emergency call where the City Police Department has been notified in advance of the proposed entry into the city by the authorized emergency vehicle driver or by someone acting on behalf of the driver. An officer of the City Police Department may thereupon escort the authorized emergency truck through the city.
      (4)   Penalty.
         (a)   Presence of a truck at a site or on a street within the corporate limits of the city which may not be reached without traveling on a street designated as closed to through truck traffic without immediate possession of valid proof of route specifying and identifying a person or place within the corporate limits of the city as the point for pick up or delivery shall constitute violation of this division (A) punishable by fine of not less than $1 and not more than $200.
         (b)   Passage of a through truck to any point, beyond the limits of the city on a street or streets designated as closed to through truck traffic shall constitute a violation of this division (A) punishable by a fine of not less than $1 and not more than $200.
         (c)   Passage of a through truck onto Highway 290 West or Brodie Lane from a street or streets designated as closed to through truck traffic shall constitute a violation of this division (A) punishable by a fine of not less than $1 and not more than $200.
      (5)   Effective date. This division (A) shall become effective 30 days after passage by the Council. During the 30 days following its passage and before this division (A) becomes effective, the city police may issue warning citations to drivers of trucks in violation of this division (A) together with a copy of this division (A) and a copy of a map showing alternate routes available to the drivers. At the time when the 30 days have elapsed, this division (A) shall be in full force and effect.
   (B)   General.
      (1)   Through streets. The streets and parts of streets of the city designated by ordinance as through streets are hereby declared to be through streets. The driver of a vehicle shall stop at the entrance to a through street and shall yield the right-of-way to other vehicles which have entered the intersection or which are approaching so close on a through street as to constitute an immediate hazard, unless directed otherwise by the traffic officer or a traffic control signal. The following are designated as through streets:
         (a)   Brodie Lane;
         (b)   Highway 290; and
         (c)   Jones Road.
      (2)   Stop streets. The driver of a vehicle shall stop in obedience to a stop sign at an intersection where a stop sign is erected at one or more entrances thereto, and shall proceed cautiously yielding to the vehicles not so obliged to stop which are within the intersection or approaching so close as to constitute an immediate hazard, unless traffic at the intersection is controlled by a police officer on duty, in which event the directions of the police officer shall be complied with. The locations of stop signs erected pursuant to this section are indicated in the following table:
State Law
State Law
Lone Oak Trail
Intersection of Lone Oak Trail and Jones Road
Tex. Transportation Code § 544.003
All times
Reese Drive
Intersection of Reese Drive and Jones Road
Tex. Transportation Code § 544.003
All times
Sunset Trail
Intersection of Sunset Trail and Jones Road
Tex. Transportation Code § 544.003
All times
Sunset Trail
Intersection of Sunset Trail and Reese Dr
Tex. Transportation Code § 544.003
All times
Lovegrass Lane
Intersection of Lovegrass Lane and Brodie Lane
Tex. Transportation Code § 544.003
All times
Lovegrass Lane and Yellow Tail Cove
Intersection of Lovegrass Lane and Yellow Tail cove
Tex. Transportation Code § 544.003
All times
Curley Mesquite Court
Intersection of Curley Mesquite Court and Lovegrass Lane
Tex. Transportation Code § 544.003
All times
Yellow Tail Cove
Intersection of Yellow Tail Cove and Lovegrass Lane
Tex. Transportation Code § 544.003
All times
Sunflower Trail
Intersection of Sunflower Trail and Ernest Robles Way
Tex. Transportation Code § 544.003
All times
Sunflower Trail
Intersection of Sunflower Trail and Sunflower Trail
Tex. Transportation Code § 544.003
All times
      (3)   Posting signs. The Chief of Police or any other person designated by the Mayor and Council shall post or cause to be posted suitable signs for all through streets, one-way streets or alleys and stop intersections. It shall be unlawful for the operator of any motor vehicle to turn left where the turns are prohibited by this division (B).
      (4)   Turn restrictions. It shall be unlawful to make a left hand turn eastbound from Jones Road into the main driveway of Sunset Valley Elementary School between the hours of 1:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. during the school year.
      (5)   Erection of signs. The Mayor is authorized to have its Marshal erect stop signs at all entrances to all through streets.
      (6)   Penalty. Any person violating any provision of this division (B) shall be fined not less than $5, nor more than $200.
(Ord. 43, passed 1-13-1976; Ord. 77-09-13B, passed 9-13-1977; Ord. 850806, passed 8-6-1985; Ord. 850903, passed 9-3-1985; Ord. 940315B, passed 3-15-1994; Ord. 991019A, passed 10-19-1999; Ord. 020820, passed 8-20-2002; Ord. 020820A, passed 8-20-2002; Ord. 020820B, passed 8-20-2002; Ord. 230905-D, passed 9-5-2023; Ord. 240206-B, passed 2-6-2024)