The site plan referred to herein shall contain the following:
(A) The boundary lines and dimensions of the property, existing subdivision lots, available utilities, easements, roadways, sidewalks, fire lanes, and public rights-of-way.
(B) Topography of the property proposed for development in contours of not less than two feet, together with any proposed grade elevations, if different from existing elevations. If the natural contour of the land is to be altered or changed in any location on the property more than four feet then the site plan must provide detailed information on the proposed grading plan to the surrounding properties and the use of surrounding properties, and shall include information indicating the drainage and line of sight effect the proposed grading plan will have on the surrounding properties.
(C) The floodplains, water courses, wetlands, drainage areas, and other significant features including, but not limited to, rock outcroppings and tree groupings.
(D) The location and use of all existing and proposed buildings or structures, including all refuse storage areas, and the minimum distance between buildings, where building complexes are proposed, a site plan showing the location of each building and the minimum distance between buildings, and between buildings and the property line, street or curb line and/or alley shall be submitted.
(E) Total number of off-street parking and loading spaces in accordance with this Code.
(F) All points of vehicular ingress and egress and circulation within the property. Any special traffic regulation facilities, proposed or required, to assure the safe function of the circulation plan shall also be shown.
(G) Setbacks, lot coverage, and when relevant, the relationships of the setbacks provided and the height of any existing or proposed building or structure.
(H) The location, size, and arrangement of all outdoor signs, exterior auditory speakers, and lighting.
(I) A landscape plan prepared in accordance with the requirements of this Code.
(J) The location and height of fences or screen plantings and the type of building materials or plantings to be used for fencing or screening in accordance with the requirements of this Code.
(K) Note a soil erosion control plan for the period during which construction will be taking place.
(L) Where multiple types of land uses are proposed, a land use plan delineating the specific areas to be devoted to various uses shall be required.
(M) Vicinity map, north point, scale, name of the development, name of the owner, name of the planner, total acreage of the project, street address or common description of the property.
(N) Current land uses and zoning district of the property and current land uses and zoning districts of the contiguous properties and buildings on the exterior of the site and within 25 feet of all property lines.
(O) The location and size of existing and proposed surface and subsurface drainage facilities.
(P) A description of the type of land use that is proposed for a site including its Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code if there are any chemicals or toxic materials involved. The City Planner may allow all of the foregoing to be contained within a single drawing if in the opinion of the City Planner the drawing can be properly evaluated.