(A) For extra strength wastewater having a COD concentration of 2.25 or more times that of the BOD concentration, the surcharge will be based on the COD category in lieu of the BOD category. Computations of surcharges shall be based on the following formula:
S = V x 8.34 (A [BOD - 200] + B [SS - 200])
S = V x 8.34 (C [COD - 450] + B [SS - 200])
S: Surcharge in dollars that will appear on the customers monthly bills.
V: Wastewater actually billed in millions of gallons during the billing period.
8.34: Pounds per gallon of water.
(B) Unit charge in dollars per pound of BOD:
(1) BOD: BOD strength in milligrams per liter (mg/l) by weight; and
(2) 200: normal BOD strength in milligrams per liter (mg/l) by weight.
(C) Unit charge in dollars per pound for SS:
(1) SS: suspended solids (SS) concentration in milligrams per liter (mg/l) by weight; and
(2) 200: normal SS concentration in milligrams per liter (mg/l) by weight.
(D) Unit charge in dollars per pound for COD:
(1) COD: COD strength in milligrams per liter (mg/l) by weight; and
(2) 450: normal COD strength in milligrams per liter (mg/l) by weight.
(E) If the strength or concentration for BOD, SS or COD is less than the normal strength for that category, then there shall be no surcharge for that category, nor shall there be credit given for the total surcharge if the strength or concentration is less than the normal.
(Ord. 970318A, passed 3-18-1997)