(A)   Water budget credit. Projects that use alternative non-potable water sources or smart irrigation controllers will be able to use 100% of their water budget.
   (B)   Rainwater harvesting. Rainwater from rooftops can be collected onsite and used for irrigation. For this application the rainwater harvesting tank will also be exempted from impervious cover calculations when used for irrigation of landscaped areas.
      (1)   Tank must be sized to collect four inches of rainfall per square foot of rooftop.
      (2)   Projects that include rainwater harvesting will also receive a reduction of 5% of the required landscape area when used for irrigation of landscaped areas.
      (3)   Rainwater harvesting tanks for this application shall not be used to meet water quality treatment requirements of site per §§ 150.320 through 150.349.
   (C)   Rain gardens.
      (1)   Rain gardens that are lined with impervious liner and complies with rain garden design specifications in the pollution reduction manual will be exempted from the water budget calculations.
      (2)   Rain garden must be equal in size to 10% of the total requirement of the street yard landscape area.
   (D)   Disconnected downspouts from rooftops.
      (1)   These downspouts must be directed into landscaping beds.
      (2)   Disconnected downspouts used in conjunction with lined rain gardens will receive an additional 5% reduction of the required landscape area.
   (E)   Evapotranspiration and smart irrigation controllers. The use of evapotranspiration systems or smart irrigation controllers that regulate water use may be considered for additional water budget credit.