(A)   General. Traditional grass areas are not required in Sunset Valley. The city invites innovative and environmentally appropriate alternatives to turf grass monocultures. Such areas may be established in native diverse species which have low water requirements. A major portion of water demand used for landscape purposes is required for the irrigation of turf areas. Portions of landscaped areas that have been customarily designed as lawns should be designed instead as:
      (1)   Natural plant communities;
      (2)   Redeveloped native areas including native grasses;
      (3)   Traditional mixes of trees, shrubs and groundcovers. Properly managed non-grass landscape developments of site specific plantings will typically be able to survive on a reduced water requirement and survive drought conditions better than turf areas.
   (B)   Maximum allowable turf areas. No more than 25% of the required landscape area shall be planted in turf grass. Grasses must be drought-tolerant species and when possible allowed to seed to encourage to natural reseeding. Right-of-way adjacent to development will not be included in this calculation.
   (C)   Turf selection. Turf selection shall be made from those grasses found on the Sunset Valley Recommended Plant List.