(A)   In addition to any other duty imposed by this or any other Code provision or state or federal statute or regulation upon a property owner to maintain a private on-site sewage facility in good working order and in such a manner that no nuisance is created or permitted, it shall be the duty of any owner whose facility is equipped with a warning device, alarm or monitoring system to promptly pump-out or repair his facility after the warning device, alarm or monitoring system has been activated or has indicated that the facility is likely to overflow or is leaking or malfunctioning.
   (B)   Should a property owner fail to promptly cause his private on-site sewage facility to be pumped out to avoid any overflow or to take whatever corrective action is necessary to remedy the leakage or malfunction, the city shall give him notice, which notice shall comply with the provisions of § 150.573, directing him to perform the necessary pumping or take the necessary corrective action.
   (C)   If the property owner fails to comply with the notice and fails to request a hearing in accordance with the provisions of this § 150.572, the city may:
      (1)   Disconnect or interrupt the owner's water service;
      (2)   Perform the necessary corrective work and bill the property owner for the reasonable costs thereof and a reasonable administrative fee, which expenses, if not paid, shall constitute a lien upon the property to be established in accordance with state law;
      (3)   Prosecute the property owner for violation of this chapter; or
      (4)   Take any other action authorized by state law or local ordinance.