(A)   All non-residential lighting zone building permit applications must include an outdoor lighting plan which includes the following information:
      (1)   The location of all existing and proposed light fixtures (may be included on-site plan).
      (2)   A lumen calculation sheet to determine lumens per acre. It must include the total area to be illuminated, the fixture descriptions, bulb types (i.e., incandescent, low pressure sodium, compact fluorescent, LED, etc.), wattages, number of bulbs, bulb initial lumens and mounting height of all existing and proposed bulbs.
      (3)   Specification sheets for all existing and proposed light fixtures.
      (4)   Acknowledgement that the applicant has reviewed the provisions of this chapter.
   (B)   Upon receipt of residential building permit applications, city staff shall provide the homebuilder and/or applicant with educational materials about this chapter.
   (C)   Verification that a residential or commercial construction project requiring a building permit application has complied with the requirements of this chapter shall occur during the final electrical inspection by the city building inspector.
   (D)   Additional guidance for compliance with this chapter can be found in the city's outdoor lighting guides.