(A)   The city shall protect from disclosure any and all information required to be so protected under the Texas Open Records Act. Permit applicants or permit holders are encouraged but not required to comply with the following procedures to assist the city in maintaining confidentiality:
      (1)   At the time such information is submitted in writing to the city, a written claim of confidentiality should be simultaneously submitted, specifying each piece of information for which confidentiality is claimed. An assertion of confidentiality for the entire document shall not be sufficient;
      (2)   The confidential information sought to be protected should be submitted to the city on a separate form or forms, clearly and conspicuously marked or labeled as containing confidential information; and
      (3)   A letter or legal memorandum, signed by legal counsel for the permit holder or permit applicant, supporting the asserted confidential status and setting forth the reasons why each piece of information should be given confidential status under the Texas Open Records Act, should accompany each piece of information for which a claim of confidentiality is asserted.
   (B)   The city shall not protect from disclosure any information which in the written opinion of the City Attorney or the Attorney General of Texas is required to be disclosed under the Texas Open Records Act.
   (C)   Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to require any person to disclose to the city any information the disclosure of which would violate any federal law or contract with the United States Government.