(A)   Erosion and sedimentation controls in accordance with the specifications established in the Environmental Criteria Manual, as amended, are required for all construction and development, including without limitation commercial, multi-family, single-family, and two-family construction, the construction of all roads, utilities, parks, golf courses, water quality controls, detention basins, and all other activities utilizing clearing, trenching, grading or similar construction techniques.
   (B)   Projects shall not be considered complete until restoration has been made, the approved permanent vegetation established and installation certified for acceptance by the city after receipt of the engineer's concurrence letter.
   (C)   Significant changes to approved erosion control and construction sequencing plans may be made in the field after two days written notice to the permit holder if the city inspector deems the control or sequencing inappropriate or inadequate, and has confirmed those findings with the city. Minor changes which result in an upgrading of erosion controls or simply reflect the progression of construction on a site may be accomplished in the field without such written approval.
   (D)   Development shall require a temporary erosion and sedimentation control plan and water quality plan certified by a registered professional engineer and approved by the City Engineer which will control off-site sedimentation during the construction of the project by temporary structural controls, site management practices, or other approved methods until permanent revegetation is certified complete. The temporary erosion control plan must be phased to be effective at all stages of construction and must be adjusted, maintained, and repaired as necessary. The water quality plan shall be approved in conjunction with the site plan approval. In addition, a dust control plan approved by the City Engineer shall be included with the other plans required herein.
      (1)   At the time the developer submits a final site plan, the developer also shall submit the erosion and sedimentation control, water quality, and dust control plans.
         (a)   The plan must specify site layout, grading, and drainage patterns, locations of all land disturbance, silt fences, spoils disposal areas, delineation of limits of construction, construction staging areas, construction entrances, temporary and permanent erosion and sedimentation controls, and temporary and permanent water quality controls.
         (b)   The plan must contain a discussion of project phasing and measures for assuring that proper erosion protection is in place.
         (c)   The plan must contain measures to limit airborne particulates and dust when dry and/or windy conditions create potential air quality degradation.
      (2)   Prior to clearing activities at the site, all permanent water capture-type controls must be excavated and drainage appurtenances constructed such that these facilities will serve as temporary construction-phase sedimentation traps prior to final finishing and revegetation of the structure.
      (3)   Silt control measures must be placed in the unfinished water quality structure to assure that sediment does not flow unfiltered from the unfinished facility.
      (4)   The contractor's representative responsible for compliance with construction-phase sediment and erosion control rules must perform the following activities:
         (a)   Attend the pre-construction meeting at the site to present proposed temporary erosion control measures to the City Engineer and/or the city's representative.
         (b)   Prior to any site clearing, conduct an inspection of all temporary erosion control measures with the City Engineer and/or the city's representative.
         (c)   During or immediately after al significant rainfall events, visit the site to evaluate the performance of temporary erosion control measures.
         (d)   Following each significant rainfall event, schedule a meeting with the City Engineer or the City's Engineering representative to discuss the performance, ongoing adequacy and required upgrades of the site's temporary erosion control measures.
         (e)   During dry or windy conditions creating potential dust migration off-site, must implement the dust suppression measures described in the erosion/sedimentation plan.
      (5)   All drainage from potentially disturbed areas must drain through a properly installed silt fence prior to exiting the site. Silt fences must be constructed in strict compliance with design specification detailed in the City of Austin's Environmental Criteria Manual. Silt fence construction must use proper excavation and anchoring depth and minimal disturbance and complete compaction of disturbed areas adjacent to the silt fence, as described in the City of Austin Environmental Criteria Manual. Silt Fences must be properly secured to steel posts and woven wire supports such that there are no openings at the junctions of silt fence material. The contractor shall only use new or completely intact silt fence material. No worn, torn, or punctured silt fence material is permitted. When accumulated silt behind a silt fence exceeds six inches in depth, it must be removed and properly disposed of. After completion of the project and certification of complete stabilization of site vegetation, the silt fence may be removed; however, the disturbed ground must be thoroughly compacted such that there is no loose soil along the former path of the silt fence.
   (E)   The following general standards shall apply to all development:
      (1)   Clearing of existing vegetation is prohibited unless the city determines the clearing is pursuant to and in accordance with a released site plan or a released subdivision construction plan;
      (2)   Limited clearing of existing vegetation or other specified development activities necessary for surveying or geological testing is authorized before release of a site plan or subdivision construction plans to the minimum extent necessary to survey or conduct geological tests. Areas cleared for surveying or testing purposes shall not exceed a width of 15 feet. No tree with a diameter greater than four inches shall be removed in connection with surveying or testing.
      (3)   Clearing of existing vegetation on land used for an agricultural use is prohibited if an application for approvals required to develop that land for other than an agricultural use is pending or such an approval has been granted, including without limitation an application for approval of a preliminary subdivision plan, a final subdivision plat, a site plan, or zoning as a district where the agricultural use is not permitted. The city may waive this prohibition if the applicant can show that the clearing has a bona fide agricultural purpose and is unrelated to the proposed development or sale of the land for nonagricultural uses.
      (4)   The location for clearing for temporary storage of spoils or construction equipment shall be shown on the released site plan. Any such location shall be in accordance with the City of Austin Environmental Criteria Manual, as amended. Topsoil shall be protected against erosion during and after the site grading operations. Where practical, the existing vegetation shall be left in place.
      (5)   The length of time between rough-cutting and final surfacing of a street shall not exceed 12 months. If an applicant does not meet this deadline, the city shall provide written notice to the applicant and to the record owner of the subject property that the city may complete the street or revegetate the disturbed area at the applicant's expense unless the work is completed no later than 60 days after the date of notice.
      (6)   Roadway clearing width shall not exceed the width of the dedicated right-of-way.
      (7)   Vegetation within the critical water quality zone and the water quality transition zone may not be disturbed except for purposes consistent with development activity permitted by §§ 150.328 and 150.329.
      (8)   All constructed and altered drainage channels shall be stabilized and vegetated immediately after final grading.
      (9)   The city shall submit a copy of the erosion and sedimentation control measures to the Barton Springs/Edwards Aquifer Conservation District for review and comment.