(A) General. A short form procedure may be followed for the approval of a subdivision only when the land proposed to be subdivided or resubdivided meets the following conditions and requirements:
(1) Such land abuts upon a street of adequate width and is so situated that no additional streets and no easements or other public property, other than public utility easements, are required in order to meet the requirements of this Code.
(2) The perimeter of the tract being subdivided has been surveyed and marked on the ground and plat thereof prepared and filed with the City Council, and the nearest corner of each lot or parcel of such proposed subdivision is within 200 feet of a known corner which is adequately marked by a concrete monument or iron stake.
(3) The topography of the tract and the surrounding lands is such that no regard need be given in such subdivision to drainage, or, where drainage facilities are required, arrangements have been made for the construction of such facilities and noted as conditions on the plat upon which approval is predicated.
(4) The utilities, as required in this Code, are in place to serve each parcel or lot of such subdivision or resubdivision, or arrangements to provide such utilities have been made and their construction and maintenance guaranteed as required by this chapter.
(5) Written notice of a proposed subdivision or confirming plat shall be given to owners of real property lying within 500 feet of the boundaries of the property to be subdivided in accordance with § 150.281(F)(8).
(B) Plat filing.
(1) When the land proposed to be subdivided meets the requirements and conditions of the preceding division, the owner of such tract of land may deliver to the city a plat of the same, accompanied by a fee as specified by ordinance or resolution for the final plat not less than 15 days prior to the next regularly scheduled City Council meeting.
(2) The plat shall be signed and acknowledged by the owner of the land and shall be accompanied by tax certificates indicating that all taxes are current.
(3) This procedure shall not be used if the uses proposed for any part of the land are inconsistent with existing zoning regulations.
(C) Plat contents. The plat of a subdivision under this chapter shall be drawn in indelible ink on a durable, permanent, and reproducible medium acceptable to the City Council at a scale of 100 feet to one inch and shall show the following information:
(1) Existing streets, alleys, easements and other public property serving the land being subdivided.
(2) Adjoining tracts of land.
(3) Known marked or monumented corners.
(4) Length of lot lines and, where necessary, their courses.
(5) Certification by a registered professional engineer as specified in § 150.282(A)(5)(j).
(D) Plat approval or disapproval.
(1) The City Council shall cause the plat filed under this Code to be checked as specified in § 150.282(B)(4).
(2) The City Council shall consider the plat filed under this Code, and shall approve or disapprove such plat within 30 days from the date of its filing with the City Council.