Intent. To provide sites for quiet, low-intensity, neighborhood-oriented office uses on a scale that is in harmony with the rural character of the community.
Land Uses
Development Standard
Permitted Uses
By special use permit
Site Requirements
Supplementary Requirements
1. Offices of an accountant, architect, attorney, engineer, broker, consultant, insurance agent, religious worship use or similar professional or semi-professional uses other than medical-related services and veterinary services, and uses permitted in SF.
1. Medical-related professional offices.
2. Veterinary services.
General Requirements
Minimum Lot Size: 1.0 acre
Minimum Lot Width at Front Setback Line: 120 ft.
Minimum Street Frontage:
Standard Lot: 120 ft.
Cul-de-Sac Lot: 60 ft.
Minimum Lot Depth: 300 ft.
Minimum Floor Area: 1,000 ft squared
Maximum Floor Area per building: 15,000 ft squared
Maximum Impervious Cover Not to Exceed Allowable under Watershed Provisions of this Code
Primary Use & Structure Minimum Setbacks
Front: 35 ft.
Side: 20 ft.
Rear: 30 ft.
Maximum Height: 35 ft.
Other Requirements by Reference to the Following Provisions of this Codes, as Amended:
1. Wastewater System Provisions of this Code
2. Watershed Provisions of this Code
3. Landscaping and Buffering Provisions of this Code
4. Sign and Outdoor Lighting Provisions of this Code with the stipulation that all outdoor lighting shall be directed away from neighboring properties (i.e., either up to light tree canopies or down to light ground but not horizontal away from a building).
5. Subdivision Provisions of this Code.
6. All other applicable ordinances as amended.
Architectural Requirements:
1. No flat roofs
2. Varied, multiple pitched roofs.
3. No store front type, metal or glass.
4. See Residential scale and texture.
5. No parking between the front and sides of the building, and the front and side setback lines.
Minimum Off-Street Parking:
1. No parking between the front and side of the building and the front and side setback lines.
2. See Table 1.
Compatibility and Buffering Standards:
1. 100 foot landscaped setback. See §150.105(B).